Montag, 4. Dezember 2023

Rhythmus a la Eamon Doorley

Das Video habe ich vor vielen Jahren mal bei YouTube gefunden. Leider weiß ich nicht mehr, wie der Musiker heißt.

Sonntag, 3. Dezember 2023

Ich stand auf hohem Berge

Die erste Version, die ich von diesem wunderschönen Lied gehört habe war auf der LP Fiedel Michel Live veröffentlicht. Seitdem habe ich noch einige schöne Versionen gehört, u.a. von Deitsch. Fylde short scale Bouzouki.

{t:Ich stand auf hohem Berge}
{st:in Bm}
{pause: 15}

Capo 2, Bm Chords
Intro 4400, 2200, 0020, 0024

Ich [Bm]stand auf hohem [G]Ber[A]ge
sah [G]runter ins [A]tiefe [D]Tal
Da [Bm]sah ich ein Schifflein [A]schweben
Da [Bm]sah ich ein Schifflein [F#m]schwe[A]ben
da[G]rin drei [A]Grafen [Bm]war'n.
Der [Bm]Allerjüngst, der da[D]runter [A]war
Die [Em]in dem [A]Schifflein [D]war'n
Der [Bm]gebot seiner [D]Lieb zu [A]trinken
Der ge[Bm]bot seiner [D]Lieb zu [F#m]trinken
Aus [Bm]einem ve[A]nedischen [Bm]Glas
Was [Bm]gibst du mir zu [D]trin[A]ken
Was [G]schenkst mir [A]so lang [D]ein
Ich [Bm]will in ein [D]Kloster [A]gehen
Ich [Bm]will in ein [D]Kloster [F#m]geh[A]en
Will [G]Gottes [A]Dienerin [G]sein
Es [Bm]war wohl um die [D]Mitter[A]nacht
Dem [Em]jung Grafen [A]träumte gar [D]schwer
Daß [Bm]sein herzaller[D]liebster [A]Schatz
Daß [Bm]sein herz[D]aller[F#m]liebster [A]Schatz
Ins [Bm]Kloster ge[A]gangen [Bm]wär.
Auf [Bm]auf oh Knecht und [G]tummle [A]dich
sattle [G]dir und [A]mir ein [D]Pferd
Wir [Bm]wollen reiten [D]Tag und [A]Nacht
Wir [G]wollen reiten [A]Tag und Nacht
Der [G]Weg ist des [A]Reitens [G]wert
Und [Bm]als sie an das [D]Kloster [A]kam'n
Wohl [Em]an das [F#m]hohe [Bm]Tor
Fragt [G]er nach der jüngsten [A]Nonne
Fragt [Bm]er nach der jüngste [A]Nonne
Die [Bm]in dem [A]Kloster [Bm]wär
Die [Bm]Nonne kam ge[D]schrit[A]ten
In [Em]einem schnee[A]weißen [D]Kleid
Ihr [Bm]Haar war abge[D]schnit[A]ten
Ihr [Bm]Haar war abge[D]schnit[F#m]ten
Ihr [G]roter [A]Mund war [G]bleich
Was [Bm]hielt sie in den [D]Hän[A]den
Einen [Em]Becher mit [A]rotem [D]Wein
Nimm [Bm]hin mein aller[D]liebster [A]Schatz
Nimm [Bm]hin mein aller[D]liebster [F#m]Schatz
Dies [Bm]soll der [A]Abschied [Bm]sein
Der [Bm]Jüngling setzt sich [D]nie[A]der,
Er [Em]saß auf [A]einem [D]Stein
Er [Bm]weinte die heißen [A]Tränen
Er [D]weinte die [Bm]heißen Trä[F#m]nen
Brach [G]ihm das [A]Herz in [G]zwei

Text und Musik: unbekannt

Das Lied ist mindestens seit 1544 in deutschen Landen bekannt, in den Niederlanden wurde es bereits im 15. Jahrhundert gesungen, Varianten des Liedes bei Erk/Böhme I, Nr.89d, Ditfurth, Fränkische Nr. 18-20, Wolfram, Nassauische 17b 

Dienstag, 28. November 2023

Ein paar coole Akkorde für Begleitung in D

Beispiel Polka in D "We won't go home til morning"

Takt 1: D: x,4,5,0   A: x,4,4,0
Takt 2: D: x,4,5,0   D2: x,4,0,0
Takt 3: G: x,0,2,0
Takt 4: A: x,2,0,0

Takt 1: D: x,4,5,0   A: x,4,4,0
Takt 2: D: x,4,5,0   D: x,4,0,0
Takt 3: G: x,5,2,0   A: x.7,0,0
Takt 4: D: 7,0,0,0

D D D A | D D D2 D2 |
G             | A                |
D D D A | D D D2 D2 |
G     A     | D                |

Dienstag, 17. Oktober 2023

Jig Rhythmen - The Riches of Clare 07/16/2019

 In diesem Video spielt der Gitarrist interessante Jig Rhythmen.

Hier habe ich mal versucht, zwei davon zu tabben:

Dienstag, 10. Oktober 2023

The Banks Of Strathdon

 Gelernt habe ich den Song von einer Aufnahme von Cathal McConnell



The Banks of Strathdon

Capo 9

As [D]I went out [G]wal[D]king one  [G]morning [A]in [D]May
Down [G]by yon green [D]meadow I [Em/G]chanced for to [A]stray
I [G]met with a [D]fair maid she was [Bm]stan[A]ding a[G]lone
She was [D]bleaching her [G]clothes [D]on - the [A]Banks of Strath[D]don

So [D]I said un[G]to [D]her as [G]I seemed [A]to [D]pass
"You're [G]bleaching your [D]clothes here my [Em]bonnie wee [A]lass
Tis [G]twelve months and [D]better since [Bm]I've [A]had a [G]mind
For to [D]ask you to [G]marry [D]me if [A]you're sae in[G]clined."

"To [D]marry you, to [G]marry [D]you O [G]I'm far [A]too [D]young
And be[G]sides all you [D]young men have a [Em]flattering [A]tongue
My [G]father and [D]mother would [Bm]both [A]angry [G]be
If [D]I were to [G]mar[D]ry a [A]young man like [D]thee."

"O [D]hold your tongue [G]las[D]sie and [G]do not [A]say [D]no
You can [G]cure all the [D]pains love that [Em]I under[A]go
But I'll [G]bid you a [D]good man though [Bm]I [A]gang a[G]lone
So I'll [D]bid you good [G]mor[D]ning on the [A]Banks of Strath[G]don."

"A[D]bide my dear [G]lad[D]die, you've [G]fair won [A]my [D]heart
[G]Here is my [D]hand and we [Em]never shall [A]part
We [G]never shall [D]part till the [Bm]day that [A]we [G]die
And may [D]all good [G]at[D]tend us wher[A]ever we [G]be."

"O it's [D]now you've [G]con[D]sented though [G]now out [A]of [D]time
The [G]cruel words you've [D]spoken have [Em]altered my [A]mind
Dark [G]clouds are a-[D]gathering and [Bm]rain will [A]be [G]on."
So they [D]shook hands and [G]par[D]ted on the [A]Banks of Strath[D]don.

"So [D]come all you [G]fair [D]maids and a [G]warning take [A]by [D]me
[G]Never slight your [D]young man for [Em]his pover[A]ty
For in [G]slighting this [D]young man I'm a[Bm]fraid I'll [A]get [G]none
And [D]live and die [G]un[D]married on the [A]Banks of Strath[G]don."
{define: Em/G 0 0 2 2 0}

Lord Franklin

 Den Song spiele ich schon sehr lange, das Arrangement verändert sich immer mal leicht.


Lord Franklin

Capo 1

[D]We were homeward bound one night [G]on the deep
[Em]Swinging in my hammock I [A]fell asleep      
[D]I dreamed a [Bm]dream and I [G]thought it [D]true
[Em]Concerning [A]Franklin and his [G]gallant [D]crew

[D]With 100 seamen he [G]sailed away
[Em]To the frozen ocean in the [A]month of May
[D]To seek a [Bm]passage [G]around the [D]pole
[Em]Where all poor [A]sailors do [G]sometimes [D]go.

[Bm]Through cruel hardships they [G]vainly strove
[Em]Their ships on mountains of [A]ice was drove
[Bm]Only the Eskimo with his [G]skin [D]canoe
[Em]Was the only [A]one that [G]ever came [D]through

[D]In Baffin’s Bay where the [G]whale fish blow
[Em]The fate of Franklin no [A]man may know
[D]The fate of [Bm]Franklin [G]no tongue can [D]tell
[Em]And Lord [A]Franklin among his [G]seamen do [D]dwell

[Bm]And now my burden it [Em]gives me pain
[G]For my Lord Franklin I’d [A]sail the main
[D]Ten thousand [Bm]pounds I would [G]freely [D]give
[Em]To know Lord [A]Franklin, and [G]where he [D]is.

Montag, 9. Oktober 2023

Sullivan's John, ein Lied von Pecker Dunne

 Ich wurde durch die Aufnahme von The Fiddle Case auf diesen Song aufmerksam. Es gibt auch eine schöne Aufnahme von The Sweeney's Men. Daoiri Farrell hat ihn auch auf seinem letzten Album veröffentlicht.

[D/A]O’Sullivan [D/F#]John to the [D/A]road you're [C]gone,
far a[D/A]way from your [C]native [D/A]land,
You've [D/A]gone with the [C]tinker’s[Am] daugh[C]ter
far a[D]long the [D/F#]road to [C]roam,
O'[D/A]Sullivan [C]John you [D/A]wont stick it long
till your [D/A]belly will [D/F#]soon be [Am]slack
And you [D/A]roam the [D/F#]road with a [D/A]mighty [C]loan
and a [D/A]tinkerbox [C]on your [D/A]back.

I met [D]Katie Cof[D/F#]fee with her neat ba[Am]by,
be[C]hind on her [Am]back strapped [D]on,
She'd an [D]old ash [C/G]plant held [Am]in her [C]hand
for to [D]drag the [D/F#]donkey a[Am]long,
En[D]quiring at [Am]every [C]farmers [Am]house,
as a[D]long the [D/F#]road she [Am]passed,
And it's [D]where could she [D/F#]get an old pot to [Am]mend,
and [C]where could she [Am]swap an [D]ass.

There's a [D]hairy ass fair in the County [C]Clare
in a [Am]place they call [C]Spancil [D]Hill,
Where [D]my brother [C/G]James got a [C]wrap of a [G]haimes,
and poor [D]Paddy they [D/F#]tried to [Am]kill,
They [D]loaded him [C]up on a [C/G]donkey and [D]cart
while [D]Kate and big Mary looked [Am]on,
Oh, I [D]curse the [D/F#]day that I went a[C]way,
to [Am]join with the [C]tinker [D]band.

Medhel an Gwyns (Soft is the Wind) aus dem Film Poldark


 Ein wunderschönes Lied aus der Serie Poldark

Medhel an Gwyns (Soft is the Wind)
3/4 time
Capo fret 7
[Dm]Memories like [C]voices that [F]call on the [Dm]wind
[Bb]Medhel an [Gm]gwyns, Medhel an [Dm]gwyns
[Dm]Whispered and [F]tossed on the [C]tide coming [Dm]in
[Bb]Medhel, oh [Am]Medhel an [Dm]gwyns
[Dm]Voices like [C]songs that are [F]heard in the [Dm]dawn
[Bb]Medhel an [Gm]gwyns, Medhel an [Dm]gwyns
[Dm]Singing the [F]secrets of [C]children un[Dm]born
[Bb]Medhel, oh [Am]Medhel an [Dm]gwyns
[Dm]Dreams like the [C]memories once [F]born on the [Dm]wind
[Bb]Medhel an [Gm]gwyns, Medhel an [Dm]gwyns
[Dm]Lovers and [F]children and [C]copper and [Dm]tin
[Bb]Medhel, oh [Am]Medhel an [Dm]gwyns
[Dm]Dreams like the [C]castles that [F]sleep in the [Dm]sand
[Bb]Medhel an [Gm]gwyns, Medhel an [Dm]gwyns
[Dm]Slip through the [F]fingers or [C]held in the [Dm]hand
[Bb]Medhel, oh [Am]Medhel an [Dm]gwyns
[Dm]Songs like the [C]dreams that the [F]bal maiden [Dm]spins
[Bb]Medhel an [Gm]gwyns, Medhel an [Dm]gwyns
[Dm]Weaving the [F]song of the [C]cry of the [Dm]tin
[Bb]Medhel, oh [Am]Medhel an [Dm]gwyns
[Bb]Medhel, oh [Am]Medhel an [Dm]gwyns



Montag, 26. Juni 2023

Jig in Em, Capo 2 Dm hohe Akkorde - Killavil Jig

Hier versuche ich, den Killavil Jig mit hohen Akkorden zu begleiten. Die Flute spielt Hatao.

Hatao - Killavil Jig Set:

Dm:  7,0,8,0, 10,12,0,0, 2,0,0,3

C* 7,0,7,0 C** 0,10,7,0 - C*** 9,10,0,0 - C**** 9,10,7,0 - C***** 5,0,7,0

Bb*: 0,8,8,0 - Bb** 7,8,8,0 - Bb***10,8,0,0 - Bb**** 3,0,5,0

Gm: 0,8,10,7 

Am: 9,10,0,7 -  Am* 2,2,0,0



Jig Crosspicking - Fernando Barroso

 Schönes Crosspicking Muster

Jig Rhythmen - Fernando Barroso

 Hier stellt Fernando Barroso 4 verschiedene Jig Rhythmen vor. Schön, wenn man diese dann miteinander kombinieren kann.

Mittwoch, 12. April 2023

Curra Road

 Wunderschöner Song, geschrieben von Ger Wolfe. Ich habe ihn erstmals bewusst bei Niall Hanna gehört.

{t:Curra Road}
{st:Ger Wolfe}

Capo 3

[G]In the [C]summer we'll go [G]walking, [G]way down to the [C]river, down the Curra [G]Road
[G]There's a [C]blue sky we'll walk [G]under, listen to the [C]humming bees and on we'll [G]go
[C]We won't [D/A]worry 'bout the [C]traffic, [D]worry 'bout the [C]way to go,[D] worry bout the [G]phone
[G]In the [C]summer we'll go [G]walking, way down to the [C]river, down the Curra [G]Road

[G]Past the [C]cattle at their [G]grazing, [G]through the woods of [C]hazel, holly, birch and [G]oak
[G]Past the [C]robin on the [G]gatepost, singing to the [C]bluebells, sunlight is their [G]host
[C]We won't [D]worry 'bout the [C]weather, [D]worry 'bout it r[C]aining, wo[D]rry bout the [G]snow
[G]In the [C]summer we'll go [G]walking, way down to the [C]river, down the Curra [G]Road
[G]There is [C]music at the r[G]iver, listen to it [C]dancing underneath the [G]bridge
[G]And the[C] wind is hardly [G]breathing, words unto the [C]willow branches over[G]head
[C]We won't [D]worry 'bout the [C]government, [D]worry 'bout the [C]way to go,[D] worry bout the[G] day
[G]In the [C]summer we'll go [G]lauging, hand in hand to[C]gether, down the dusty [G]way.

[C]We won't [D]worry 'bout the [C]government, [D]worry 'bout the [C]way to go,[D] worry bout the[G] day
[G]In the summer we'll go [Bm]laughing, hand in hand [C]together, [C9/G]down the Curra [G]Road
{define: D/A 0 2 4 0 0}

Montag, 27. Februar 2023

Sam Hall - Tutorial

 Ein kleines Tutorial zur Songbegleitung für Sam Hall. Nur der erste Teil. Part 2 folgt demnächst. Hier ist der ganze Song zu hören.


[D]  [G]  [D]
Oh, me [D]name it is Sam [G]Hall,
chimney [D]sweep, chimney [A]sweep
Oh, me [D]name it is Sam [G]Hall,
chimney [D]sweep

Oh, me [G]name it is Sam [Em]Hall,
and I've [D]robbed both great and [A]small
And me [Bm]neck will pay for [G]all,
when I [D]die, when I [A]die
And me [Bm]neck will pay for [G]all,
[A]when I [D]die

I have [D]twenty [F#m]pounds in [Bm]store,
[D]that's not [G]all, that's not [A]all
I have [D]twenty [F#m]pounds in [Bm]store,
[A]that's not [G]all

I have [Em]twenty pounds in [G]store,
and I'd [D/A]rob for [G/B]twenty [A/C#]more
For the [D]rich must [F#m]help the [Bm]poor,
[D]so must [G]I, so must [A]I
For the [D]rich must [F#m]help the [Bm]poor,
[A]so must [G]I

Oh, they [D]took me to Coot[G]hill,
in a [D]cart, in a [A]cart
Oh, they [D]took me to Coot[G]hill,
in a [D]cart

Oh, they [G]took me to Coothill,
where I [D]stopped to make my [A]will
For the [D]best of friends must [G]part,
so must [D]I, so must [A]I
For the [D]best of friends must [G]part,
so must [D]I

Up the [D]ladder I did [G]grope,
that's no [D]joke, that's no [A]joke
Up the [D]ladder I did [G]grope,
that's no [D]joke

Up the [G]ladder I did grope,
and the [D]hangman he pulled his [A]rope
But [D]ne'ar a word I [G]spoke,
tumbling [D]down, tumbling [A]down
But [D]ne'ar a word I [G]spoke,
tumbling [D]down

Oh, me [D]name it is Sam [G]Hall,
chimney [D]sweep, chimney [A]sweep
Oh, me [D]name it is Sam [G]Hall,
chimney [D]sweep

Oh, me [G]name it is Sam Hall,
and I've [D]robbed both great and [A]small
And me [D]neck will pay for [G]all,
when I [D]die, when I [A]die
And me [D]neck will pay for [G]all,
when I [D]die



Sam Hall


[D]  [G]  [D]
Oh, me [D]name it is Sam [G]Hall,
chimney [D]sweep, chimney [A]sweep
Oh, me [D]name it is Sam [G]Hall,
chimney [D]sweep

Oh, me [G]name it is Sam [Em]Hall,
and I've [D]robbed both great and [A]small
And me [Bm]neck will pay for [G]all,
when I [D]die, when I [A]die
And me [Bm]neck will pay for [G]all,
[A]when I [D]die

I have [D]twenty [F#m]pounds in [Bm]store,
[D]that's not [G]all, that's not [A]all
I have [D]twenty [F#m]pounds in [Bm]store,
[A]that's not [G]all

I have [Em]twenty pounds in [G]store,
and I'd [D/A]rob for [G/B]twenty [A/C#]more
For the [D]rich must [F#m]help the [Bm]poor,
[D]so must [G]I, so must [A]I
For the [D]rich must [F#m]help the [Bm]poor,
[A]so must [G]I

Oh, they [D]took me to Coot[G]hill,
in a [D]cart, in a [A]cart
Oh, they [D]took me to Coot[G]hill,
in a [D]cart

Oh, they [G]took me to Coothill,
where I [D]stopped to make my [A]will
For the [D]best of friends must [G]part,
so must [D]I, so must [A]I
For the [D]best of friends must [G]part,
so must [D]I

Up the [D]ladder I did [G]grope,
that's no [D]joke, that's no [A]joke
Up the [D]ladder I did [G]grope,
that's no [D]joke

Up the [G]ladder I did grope,
and the [D]hangman he pulled his [A]rope
But [D]ne'ar a word I [G]spoke,
tumbling [D]down, tumbling [A]down
But [D]ne'ar a word I [G]spoke,
tumbling [D]down

Oh, me [D]name it is Sam [G]Hall,
chimney [D]sweep, chimney [A]sweep
Oh, me [D]name it is Sam [G]Hall,
chimney [D]sweep

Oh, me [G]name it is Sam Hall,
and I've [D]robbed both great and [A]small
And me [D]neck will pay for [G]all,
when I [D]die, when I [A]die
And me [D]neck will pay for [G]all,
when I [D]die

Go Your Way, my Love - Anne Briggs

 {t:Go Your Way}
{st:Anne Briggs}
Capo 9
[D]Drawing water from the [A]well
[D]Spilling over on the [A]grass [
[D]Walking home my heart is [Bm]filled with [A]pain
[A]Go your [G]way, my [A]love
[A]Go your [G]way, my [A]love
[D]And as I wander through the [A]trees
[D]Picking up the windy [A]leaves
[D]Thinking where you may be [Bm]sleeping [A]now
[A]Go your [G]way, my [A]love
[A]Go your [G]way, my [A]love
[D]As I sit mending your [A]clothes
[D]That you will never ever [A]wear
[D]Cooking daily for you, [Bm]I do pre[A]pare
[A]Go your [G]way, my [A]love
[A]Go your [G]way, my [A]love
[D]Is there war in some far [A]land?
[D]And have you got to land your [A]hand
[D]And do you liе broken and [Bm]dying [A]now?
[A]Go your [G]way, my [A]love
[A]Go your [G]way, my [A]love
[D]Drawing water from the [A]well
[D]Spilling over on the [A]grass
[D]Walking home my heart is [Bm]filled with [A]pain
[A]Go your [G]way, my [A]love
[A]Go your [G]way, my [A]love
[A]Go your [G]way, my [A]love
[A]Go your [G]way, my [A]love

Cavan Girl

Capo 7

As I [D]walk the [A]road from [Bm]Killa[A]shandra, [G]weary [A]I sit [D]down.
For it’s [D]twelve long [A]miles a[Bm]round the [A]lake to [G]get to [A]Cavan [G]town.
[D]All a[A]long the [Bm]road I [A]go once [G]seemed be[A]yond com[G]pare.
Now I [D]curse the [A]time it [Bm]takes to [A]reach my [G]Cavan [A]girl so [D]fair.

The [D]autumn [A]shades are [Bm]on the [A]leaves, the [G]trees will [A]soon be [D]bare,
An [D]each red [A]coated [Bm]leaf pro[A]vides  the [G]color [A]of her [G]hair.
My [D]gaze re[A]treats to [Bm]meet my [A]feet and [G]once a[A]gain I [G]sigh,
For the [D]broken [A]chords of [Bm]sky pro[A]vide the [G]colors [A]of her [D]eye.

At the [D]Cavan [A]Cross each [Bm]Sunday [A]morning [G]there she [A]can be [D]found,
And she [D]seems to [A]have the [Bm]eye of [A]every [G]boy in [A]Cavan [G]town.
If [D]my luck [A]holds I’ll [Bm]have the [A]golden [G]summer [A]of her [G]smile,
And to [D]break the [A]hearts of [Bm]Cavan [A]men, she’ll [G]talk to [A]me a [D]while.

So next [D]Sunday [A]evening [Bm]finds me [A]homeward - [G]Killa[A]shandra [D]bound,
To [D]work the [A]week, till [Bm]I re[A]turn to [G]court in [A]Cavan [G]town.
When [D]asked if [A]she would [Bm]be my [A]bride at [G]least she’d [A]not said „n[G]o“,
So next [D]Sunday [A]morning, I‘ll [Bm]raise my[A]self, and [G]off to [A]her I’ll [D]go.