Dienstag, 10. Oktober 2023

The Banks Of Strathdon

 Gelernt habe ich den Song von einer Aufnahme von Cathal McConnell



The Banks of Strathdon

Capo 9

As [D]I went out [G]wal[D]king one  [G]morning [A]in [D]May
Down [G]by yon green [D]meadow I [Em/G]chanced for to [A]stray
I [G]met with a [D]fair maid she was [Bm]stan[A]ding a[G]lone
She was [D]bleaching her [G]clothes [D]on - the [A]Banks of Strath[D]don

So [D]I said un[G]to [D]her as [G]I seemed [A]to [D]pass
"You're [G]bleaching your [D]clothes here my [Em]bonnie wee [A]lass
Tis [G]twelve months and [D]better since [Bm]I've [A]had a [G]mind
For to [D]ask you to [G]marry [D]me if [A]you're sae in[G]clined."

"To [D]marry you, to [G]marry [D]you O [G]I'm far [A]too [D]young
And be[G]sides all you [D]young men have a [Em]flattering [A]tongue
My [G]father and [D]mother would [Bm]both [A]angry [G]be
If [D]I were to [G]mar[D]ry a [A]young man like [D]thee."

"O [D]hold your tongue [G]las[D]sie and [G]do not [A]say [D]no
You can [G]cure all the [D]pains love that [Em]I under[A]go
But I'll [G]bid you a [D]good man though [Bm]I [A]gang a[G]lone
So I'll [D]bid you good [G]mor[D]ning on the [A]Banks of Strath[G]don."

"A[D]bide my dear [G]lad[D]die, you've [G]fair won [A]my [D]heart
[G]Here is my [D]hand and we [Em]never shall [A]part
We [G]never shall [D]part till the [Bm]day that [A]we [G]die
And may [D]all good [G]at[D]tend us wher[A]ever we [G]be."

"O it's [D]now you've [G]con[D]sented though [G]now out [A]of [D]time
The [G]cruel words you've [D]spoken have [Em]altered my [A]mind
Dark [G]clouds are a-[D]gathering and [Bm]rain will [A]be [G]on."
So they [D]shook hands and [G]par[D]ted on the [A]Banks of Strath[D]don.

"So [D]come all you [G]fair [D]maids and a [G]warning take [A]by [D]me
[G]Never slight your [D]young man for [Em]his pover[A]ty
For in [G]slighting this [D]young man I'm a[Bm]fraid I'll [A]get [G]none
And [D]live and die [G]un[D]married on the [A]Banks of Strath[G]don."
{define: Em/G 0 0 2 2 0}

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