Mittwoch, 17. November 2021

The Press Gang - Johnny Miner

Ein schöner Rhythmus, sowohl für Songs als auch evtl. Reels.


Hier aufgedröselt zum Üben:

(Ed Pickford)

[D]Johnny Miner, you were born
[G]Ne’er to see the [D]rising dawn,     
[G]Now it's time that [D]you [A/C#]were [Bm]gone,    
So [G]farewell, Johnny [A]Miner.


[D]Farewell Durham, Yorkshire, too,
[G]Nottingham, the [D]same to you
[G]Scotland, South Wales, [D]bid [A/C#]a[Bm]dieu,
[G]Farewell, Johnny [A]Miner.

2. You struggled hard with slate and shale,
Lungs turned black and faces pale,
Now your body's up for sale,
And farewell, Johnny Miner.

3. They promised you the earth some time
To work down in their stinkin' mine,
Now the justice for their crime
Is farewell, Johnny Miner.

4. Cheer up John, it won't be bad:
Unemployment isn't hard -
They'll treat you well in the knacker's yard,
So farewell, Johnny Miner.

5. repeat verse 1.


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