Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2018

Double Stop Runs

Zweistimmig spielen mit Double-Stop-Runs. Ich habe die beiden Töne, die zusammen gehören immer gleichfarbig gemacht.

Associated chords

Im Bouzouki Forum gefunden.

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Yes the G should be 455X.

I think in shapes, those 3 finger 455x  and 023 are pretty similar and I can switch fast between them.  The work round moves between the 2nd and the 7th fret, so there isn’t much stretching involved. Also those alternates for G, (0023) and (455X) are at either end of the G scale, so useful when adding a chord into a counterpoint or melody run.

Also that 455x shape can be moved up and down the fret board

455X  = G
233X  = F
6770 = A

Step across with the same shape

X455 = D
O223 = C
X677 = E
X788 =F
0899 = G

0223 = C???
0023 = G???